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Parisian Croissant Original or with Salted egg Filling


Archeologists from around the world have differing school of thoughts regarding the origin of croissant. Be it from France or Austria, the argument would be forgotten at the sight of this home-made croissant. It is buttery, crispy on the outside but yet fluffy on the inside, perfect when enjoyed with a cup of tea or coffee.


来自世界各地的考古学家对羊角面包的起源有不同的看法。无论是来自法国还是奥地利,看到这种自制羊角面包,这个论点都会被遗忘。它是用纯黄油,脆在外面和蓬松的内部,配一杯茶或咖啡, 享受这纯粹和完美的面包。

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Ingredients content: Dairy Products, Flour, Eggs, Sugar and Yeast products.

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Weight 1 kg

Lurpak Butter (13 pcs), Lescure Butter (13 pcs), Lurpak Butter With Salted Eggs Filling (13 pcs)


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