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Lychee Raspberry with Cornflower Cookies-Pink Metal Container 220g


Created using the finesse and natural ingredients of freezed dried lychee and raspberry powder. These
cookies are bound to leave a lightly sweet and bitter aftertaste on your palate. Best paired with a light tea
during your afternoon tea break.

Available in 220grm Metal Tin (Pink)

使用天然冷冻干荔枝, 覆盆子粉和矢车菊创建。这些饼干一定会在你的味觉上留下淡淡的甜味和苦涩的回味。最好搭配是淡茶。

提供 220g 金属锡罐(粉红色)

SKU: PC0013-220T Category:


Ingredients content: Fruits Powder, Eggs, Dairy Products, Sugar, Salt, and Petal Products

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg
Dimensions 17 × 8.5 cm

220g Metal Tin, 170g Airtight Container


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