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Price List

Experienced and Friendly

Click on Each Product Name to view the Picture and Full Detail

Best Seller

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 30pcs-36pcs, Tin Container

Cookies Anyone?

6 Pieces, Paper & Plastics Box

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 40pcs-55pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 36pcs-48pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 30pcs-36pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 60pcs-65pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 60pcs-65pcs, Airtight Container

More Cookies?

Estimated 30pcs-36pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 35pcs-50pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 35pcs-38pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 30pcs-36pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 25pcs-35pcs, Airtight Container

Estimated 20pcs-22pcs, Plastics Container

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Estimated 30pcs-40pcs, Tin Container

Entremets (Mousse Cake)

18cm (1.1kg)-$105.00, 20cm (1.3kg)-$125.00 & 30cm (3kg)-$250.00

18cm (1.1kg)-$83.00, 20cm (1.4kg)-$102.00 & 30cm (3.5kg)-$223.00

18cm (1.1kg)-$98.00, 20cm (1.3kg)-$119.00 & 30cm (2.9kg)-$253.0

18cm (1kg)-$81.00, 20cm (1.2kg)-$99.00 & 30cm (2.8kg)-$217.00

18cm (1.1kg)-$101.00, 20cm (1.3kg)-$113.00 & 30cm (2.9kg)-$230.00

18cm (1.1kg)-$114.00, 20cm (1.3kg)-$139.00 & 30cm (2.9kg)-$302.00

18cm (900g)-$106.00, 20cm (1.1kg)-$128.00 & 30cm (3kg)-$276.00

Other Cake or Pastry

25x7x9 cm, Estimated 700g

Original (900g) or Chocolate (1kg)

Chocolate, Lychee, Matcha, NepaleseTea, Osmanthus, Pandan, TieGuanYin & Yam

20cm Original, Pandan or Coffee with Pandan, Estimated 800g-850g)

Square 18cm (2.7kg), 20cm (3.3kg)

Round 18cm (2.2kg), 20cm (2,5kg)

18cm (1kg), 20cm (1.2kg) & 30cm (2.8kg)

Cheese Cake

18cm Square (1.3kg-1.4kg)

18cm (900g-950g)